What to Expect

What is our worship service like?

Our worship service is best described as Gospel-driven. We want to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in many ways throughout the service. If you feel like you are messed up and in need of a Savior, you will fit right in! In worship, the whole congregation praises God by participating and singing throughout the service.

Bulletins are available from the greeters or on the table before church so you can follow along. The primary consideration for what we sing in church is content since we learn much of our theology through what we sing. Our musical style is a mixture of both modern and traditional hymns, as well as contemporary worship songs.

What about the Lord's Supper?

We celebrate the Lord's Supper weekly, and it may be received by members of Southside, as well as those who are baptized members in good standing of any evangelical church where the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed. In accordance with Scripture, each person receiving the Lord's Supper is asked to examine his or her heart in a solemn manner before taking the elements so as not take them in an unworthy manner, thereby incurring judgment upon themselves (1 Corinthians 11:26-29). Our views of the Lord's Supper are in line with the Reformed orthodox views of the sacrament, as described by the historic Reformed confessions. More details on our view of the Lord’s Supper may be found here.

We do not come to the table based on any merit of our own, but rest solely in the merit of Jesus Christ who loved us and shed His body and blood on the cross for us and our salvation. We believe that while the Lord Jesus Christ is not physically present within or around the bread and the wine or juice we receive, He is nevertheless truly present to nourish us through the powerful working of His Holy Spirit.

What about children?

We love kids! Children are always welcome in our worship service. If you prefer to take them to the nursery, it is found to your left as you walk in the front doors. The nursery is available from 9:00 a.m. through the end of worship service for children age 3 and below. All nursery workers have undergone a background check. We also have a beautiful playground for your children to play on before and after church.

What do I wear?

The congregation at Southside is a diverse group of individuals. You will see some of everything - from suits and ties to jeans and casual dress. Don't worry about what you are wearing. You'll fit right in!